Virginia Peninsula Coastal Storm Risk Management Feasibility Study

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The City of Hampton and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will work together to investigate flooding along coastal regions and rivers on the Virginia Peninsula that is exacerbated by sea level rise. The city and the Norfolk district of … Continued

2021 RISE Coastal Community Resilience Challenge

posted in: Regional | 0

In December, 2020, RISE announced the launch of the 2021 Coastal Community Resilience Challenge. The Challenge will award a total of $1.5 million to small businesses with innovative flood-resilience solutions. Businesses can apply for up to $350,000 to advance and … Continued

Lynnhaven River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Project SAV Planting

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An alliance of federal and state agencies, non profit organizations, and others have begun submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) planting in Broad Bay, near First Landing State Park, within the Lynnhaven River watershed. The SAV planting is part of the Lynnhaven … Continued

2020 CARES Act Small Business Grants (Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News)

posted in: Regional | 0

In August, the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) announced the agency will award CARES Act Recovery Assistance grants in Virginia. The grants will capitalize and administer Revolving Loan Funds (RLFs) that will provide critical gap financing to … Continued